Potomac Bonsai Associations Winter Newsletter

The winter edition of the PBA Newsletter is out and features Museum volunteer turned bonsai apprentice Danny Coffey. Danny breaks down his approach in restyling a really cool shimpaku. Get the complete article here.

Danny Clippings winter

You can also follow Danny’s journey as an apprentice on his blog “Tree the People“.

Potomac Bonsai Association Newsletter

The Potomac Bonsai Association(PBA) has been a long time supporter of the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum.  Their redesigned newsletter titled “Clippings”  comes out each quarter with the most recent issue featuring two Museum volunteers. Chris Baker, who served are our summer apprentice, and Danny Coffey currently apprenticing at Aichien in Nagoya. To download PBA newsletters. click here.
clippings cover