Video of John Naka Repotting Goshin

The National Bonsai Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. National Arboretum have digitized several VHS tapes taken over the years here are the Museum. It only seems fitting to have the first be of John Naka re-potting his world famous “Goshin” here at the Museum in 1995. It was filmed by the late Dr. Bill Orsinger, a dedicated museum volunteer who had the foresight to capture this event on tape.

Tree the People


Earlier this year I introduced Museum volunteer Danny Coffey. Danny had just embarked on a 3 month trial apprenticeship at the distinguished Aichi-en bonsai nursery in Nagoya.

After a brief  trip back to the states, Danny has returned to Aichi-en to begin his formal apprenticeship.


Before returning to Japan, Danny continued to volunteer at the Museum. Here Danny (left) helps out Curator Jack Sustic and myself tidy up John Naka’s Goshin.


Danny and I conducted public demos at the Museum on May 14th in celebration of World Bonsai Day.

 In the tradition of his senpai, Peter Tea, Danny is sharing his own experiences at Aichi-en on his bonsai periodical Tree the People.  Danny is also be posting photos on Instagram under the account “Tree The People” .  So far he has several informative posts on Trident Maples with a lot a great pictures. Show your support for Danny by subscribing to Tree the People.