Nature’s Way Yamadori bonsai stock

During my recent trip to Nature’s Way Bonsai Nursery for a Ryan Neil workshop I made sure to step away and see what kind of bonsai stock was for sale. I have been here before and always expect to see some impressive yamadori. What struck me this time was how many more trees were in the nursery some of which were massive. Here are just a few of the native collected trees I saw there.

Ponderosa Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Rockey Mountain Juniper

A massive JuniperPonderosa Pine

Rockey Mountain Juniper

Rockey Mountain Juniper

Douglas Fir

Juniper with amazing dead wood.

Rockey Mountain Juniper

Limber Pine

Collected Juniper with contorted trunk.

Ponderosa Pine

Rockey Mountain Juniper